Laser & IPL Hair removal Certifications offered

Doyou want to learn Laser or IPL hair removal? Do you want to know as much as you can, so you become confident in conducting client consultations? Wish to possess advanced technical knowledge, and feel competent in the device you will be using in the future? Do you want to get the most from your hair removal device? These certification options offer a range of levels to suit your ability.

Laser & IPL Hair Removal Online - an excellent beginner online course.

Mini Mods Workshops - gain invaluable practical experience after you have learnt all the theory.

Diploma - Did you know that all programmes you attend will give you NZLT CPD points towards your FREE Diploma in Laser & IPL Hair Removal? Read more about how this works here.

NZQA Qualification - get the highest level of education in Laser & IPL.

Don’t have any previous beauty therapy or medical experience? No problems, complete an online course Skin Anatomy and Physiology for IPL & Laser, to get up to speed with essential knowledge.